In life, something that seemingly stands between you and your goals is discipline. Whether you’re an individual constantly encountering problems, challenges, or simply wondering why you’re not attaining your life’s ambitions, the root cause often lies in your level, or lack, of discipline.
What Is Discipline?
At its core, discipline isn’t glamorous. It’s about doing the things you don’t necessarily want to do. It’s about taking action when you’d rather remain inactive. It’s sending a loving message to someone, even when they’re not particularly nice to you. It’s making your way to the gym, even if you’re exhausted. Simply put, discipline is carrying out the tasks you wish to avoid but are crucial for your growth and success. Understanding this is essential to overcoming the hurdles that life throws at you.
A Personal Reflection
Allow me to share a personal example. At one point, I found myself at a fork in the road: life before discipline and life after embracing it. Prior to implementing discipline, my life was a disorganized mess. I would dart from one desire to another without a clear path or purpose. In truth, doing what you want is often what you don’t need, especially if you’re striving for self-improvement.
For those already enjoying financial freedom, doing what you want might fit your lifestyle. However, most of us are on a journey toward success, which often means focusing on what needs to be done. The capacity to prioritize needs over wants signifies a disciplined mind.
Breaking Down the Basics
In my journey, simplifying my path to discipline worked best. Take, for instance, my eating habits. I indulged in sugar and sought solace at the bottom of a cookie jar. But I wasn’t getting any closer to my dreams. I realized that continuing down that path only led me further away from my goals.
The pivotal moment came when I asked myself this: “Will eating this whole bag of cookies help me achieve my goals?” It hit me hard when the answer was no. I realized that while I wanted the cookies, my body needed lean protein like chicken. It might not have been appealing at the time, but it paved the way to achieving what I desired. This is the essence of discipline.
Creating the Disciplined Mindset
Start by analyzing aspects of your life. Distinguish your needs from your wants. Focus your energy primarily on fulfilling your needs, and you’ll eventually get what you desire. Discipline is, paradoxically, freedom. Initially, it might feel like imprisonment as you’re constantly pushing yourself to do things you’d rather not. However, as you build habits and discipline becomes second nature, life expands exponentially.
Before long, you begin achieving your goals and realize that discipline lies at the core of it all. If you’re disciplined enough, success in areas like financial stability, physical fitness, and personal relationships becomes achievable.
The Reward of Discipline
Understanding the concept of ‘do what you need to do first’ enhances the pleasure of pursuing your wants later. Think of it like having a rewarding workout session; you feel even better about resting afterward. It’s akin to having an invigorating Saturday training session leading to a more enjoyable afternoon by the river.
In essence, discipline is doing what you need to do before what you want to do. Once you engrain this mindset, it unlocks a level of freedom you might never have thought possible.
So, assess your life, learn the difference between wants and needs, and embrace discipline as the steadfast pathway to unlocking your true potential.